Jodi Robbins Jodi Robbins

Angels, Reiki & Extraterrestrials…

As long as I can remember, I have had the distinct knowing that there is something greater than what meets the eye here upon our planet. As a young adult, I was pulled towards subjects on angels and near death experiences, and my first book on such a topic was Embraced By the Light, by Betty Eadie. There wasn’t a whole lot out there at the time, before the internet, that would satiate my curiosity and give me a glimpse into what may lie beyond. However, Betty’s recount of her amazing and extensive NDE opened my eyes to the many possibilities that lie beyond our mundane comprehension. I found the tales of those who had come face to face with the Light to be quite comforting, and it gave me solace as I began to explore meaning behind our existence.

I was never one to delve into the darker aspects of the occult but instead felt drawn to the brighter side of the supernatural. I was also interested in mediums and followed James Van Praagh and John Edwards to name a few. I was intrigued by their ability to communicate with those that had passed on, and I was uplifted once again to have that sense of hope for what lies hereafter.

It wasn’t until years later that I found an Angel Meet Up group locally that would really kick off my full blown ascension process. We met at the house of a very kind lady who felt like a kindred soul to me. Her name was Ginny, and she began our first meeting by holding a guided mediation with Archangel Raphael. With our eyes closed we sat quietly in a circle as she invited in this magnificent healing angel. Though I was excited to be there, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had never even tried meditation, much less to connect with an angel so directly. We were several minutes in, when a waft of roses began floating throughout the room. It was intoxicating! Though I did not experience any sort of clairvoyance or evidence otherwise, I will never forget that beautifully pungent smell that came in with Raphael. As I left that evening I was so uplifted, as I knew this was an interest I would be strongly pursuing. It felt so profound and familiar. As I got to my house that evening, and opened the door, that pervasive smell of roses began to drift throughout my home! This was a deal sealer for me. It was evident confirmation that I had not imagined it occurring at Ginny’s, and that indeed Raphael was still with me, wanting me to know of his presence.

Just a few weeks later I signed up to have Ginny, a master, attune me to reiki. I was intrigued by holistic ways of healing the body, mind and soul, and I had heard that an attunement was a great doorway for opening your third eye and higher awareness. I was honored to receive the initiation and thereafter gave myself daily reiki for many months, It was so relaxing and I knew by the response of my body that it was indeed serving me well. I then signed up for the second attunement which would allow me to treat others, but moving forward I never felt the desire to do hands on healing of another. Looking back, I feel reiki was a self-service that healed many aspects of myself and gave me the confidence and courage to expand into the next phase of my journey, which turned out to be the channeling of my artwork.

Thankfully by that time I had connected with like-minded individuals all across the world through social media. Funny how you can form such deep and meaningful friendships with those you’ve never met face to face. These soul mates sparked remembrance in me of gifts and abilities I didn’t even know I had. Thanks to their encouragement I continued to develop my art and marveled at the way these channeled paintings were almost painting themselves. Nothing I did was preconceived, but rather just the following of nudges and intuition of what wanted to be birthed onto the canvas.

I was beginning to explore many paths of our multidimensionality. One friend in particular, Natalia, was an excellent conduit for higher frequency information and as she would bring forth the teachings of these other realms, I would intuitively feel guided to interpret that energy through my paintings. I would share my renditions through social networks and the feedback spurred me on to continue. Others could feel the essence and energy of these cosmic creations. I began to realize that this art was a source of grounding, balancing, and alignment for the onlookers energy system. Then as I developed, I began to channel light codes and light language, which are symbols and activations that bypass the logical mind to speak to the subconscious. This abstract art was now a healing tool in and of itself.

After a few years of conveying art in this manner, I felt a strong pull to transmit verbal messages to go with these offerings. I had been mesmerized by others who could channel messages from their higher selves and angels, masters and light beings. I was led to the book Opening to Channel, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. Their delivery seemed so simple and walking myself through the processes they suggested came quite easily. Almost too easily. I soon realized that I had been hearing spirit all along, but brushed it off as my own mind chatter. Once I was able to sit and clear my mind through meditation, it was as if they were speaking to me through a funnel of Light in my crown chakra.

I then began sitting with each painting after it’s completion to see what wanted to be said. Whether I had co-created a piece with the dragons, a master, angel or extradimensional, the process was the same. I sat in sacred space, did work to clear and ground my energy and then invited them in. In came the thoughts which I transcribed on to paper, or on to a voice recording. These wise communications, paired with the energy artistry, really packed a punch for anyone willing and ready to receive the messages. They are activations to prompt remembrance within the individual at soul level, each getting what is needed most at the time.

What I have come to realize is that we all have this capability within us. It simply takes openness and trust and the desire to connect with that which is unseen yet very much real. We need to release the many beliefs that have been instilled in us which limit our power and our sovereignty. Doing self-work is a vital piece of the puzzle, as it will allow us to integrate the light and the dark within. It will allow for greater union with the soul consciousness, not the facade we have built around our human existence and ego. Getting in touch with the innocence and purity of the soul and releasing those facets that are not serving the ultimate good, will help clear the path for higher guidance to be heard loud and clear.

If there is one thing I have learned throughout my many years of self-discovery, it is that the soul always knows the way forward. Letting go, trusting and going with the flow of your heart will surely lead you to the highest outcome. No planning or manipulation could ever lead to the extraordinary magic and miracles that are serendipitous where spirit is concerned.

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Jodi Robbins Jodi Robbins

Looking back….

It’s true what they say…looking back to your childhood interests gives great insight as to the passions you are here to develop and share as part of your life’s calling. This occurred to me recently when I came across some art I created back in my childhood.

It’s true what they say…looking back to your childhood interests gives great insight as to the passions you are here to develop and share as part of your life’s calling. This occurred to me recently when I came across some art I created back in my childhood.

You see, art for me was something I enjoyed greatly as a child yet kind of lost touch with as I became an adult, then a wife, a mother…there was always something more pressing to do, to take my attention. I can remember spending so much time alone as a child in my bedroom, coloring and creating with my paper and magic markers. I would turn on that Sony walkman and let the good vibes direct my creations. It was a great outlet for me to channel my emotions.

I was creative indeed, as I can also remember being envious of the kids who had braces (go figure), so I concocted my own make shift braces using aluminum foil and placed them across the front row of my teeth! Then there was the time I wished I wore glasses, and therefore cut out and designed my own pair from some flexible cardboard. Mind you, these devices never left the privacy of my own house, but made me feel more “normal” nonetheless.

Another big saving grace for me growing up was my connection to animals and nature. I was not a girly girl by any stretch of the imagination but rather the typical tom boy who enjoyed riding my bike in the woods and on dirt trails, picking fights with the boy who lived behind me, and playing outdoors. I think most of us who grew up 40 years ago and beyond, did much the same as we didn’t have as many devices to occupy our attention. We had to use our imagination, and being outside was a great way to explore and satiate the curiosity.

I cannot remember ever owning a doll. Stuffed animals…now they were near and dear to me. Speaking of animals, I would sit out in my garage talking to my two dogs, Hans and Fritz, as if they were my best friends. Well, in some respects they were. They were not allowed in the house, so I would go to their living quarters to sit with them and chat away as they were getting petted or brushed. They loved me unconditionally, and I loved them just the same. Our interactions were so loving and pleasant. This brought me a lot of comfort in what felt like a daunting world.

Fast forward to 2014 and there I was, a mother of three boys, who was fed up working the 9-5 job I had in the medical administrative field. I was beginning to feel constricted and restricted. I needed to grow and expand my horizons. I needed to do something I felt more passionate about, a reason to feel good about getting up in the morning.

A few years prior I had the inspiration to start my own dog walking business, but gave up the notion as I doubted if I would be able to pull it off. Making the jump from being fully employed to starting at ground zero was intimidating. Yet after a brief new job at a home care agency that really did not sit well with me, I had the motivation I needed to go in this new direction.

The first six months were the slowest, but after that it took off and there I was, calling my own shots, walking in nature every day, being with kind hearted animals who were medicine to my soul. The owners I worked for showed me the appreciation I had been lacking in my old work environment. This was a win-win situation!

In 2017, as my children were becoming young men and quite self-sufficient, I found myself encouraged by friends, that I had made through social media, to delve back into art. I was a different person by that point, and my connection to spirit and my soul was what was driving my creations. I found that as someone who was quite cerebral, type A personality most of my life, this new venue of relaxing and channeling abstract art allowed me to be in a receptive, meditative state. This not only brought forth some pretty amazing renditions that I could not have planned otherwise, but it also brought a healing balance to my mind and body.

So here we are, 2023, and I find myself earning my living doing the things that brought me so much joy, expression and comfort as a child….animals and art. I never would’ve guessed all those years ago, in a world that dictates what is “allowable and acceptable”, that I would be able to survive doing what it is that I love most. The old saying is true I suppose…do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Let this be an inspiration for those of you who feel lost or unfulfilled. Think back to your childhood and reconnect with what it was that made your heart smile. You never know who may be waiting to receive your gifts!

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